
Tribühne, Rathausallee 50, 22846 Norderstedt

Dear friends,

sadly I have to announce that the Universe 2020 will not take place.

A lot of countries can not compete due to the strict Corona rules here in Germany and also in their respective country.

Because of the numerous new infections in Europe a lot of athletes could not prepare for the championship.

Nobody knows what is going to happen in the next weeks or months.

After a telephone conference with the members of the executive committee we unanimously decided to cancel the Universe for this year.

In regards of the World Championship I will inform you asap.

The Universe 2021 is going to happen from 19.11.2021-21.11.2021 in Norderstedt, Germany.

I hope to see you all again next year in good shape and thanx for your understandig

friendly regards
